We have discovered so many ways to attract customers into your business and we want to share the top five favorites
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So many of our clients have told us over the years that they could make more sales if people would walk into their business. This is completely true, but the reasons why, may surprise you. Consumers are much more sophisticated than they use to be. They know they have many choices. This has lead to a shift in power, the customer decides to spend their dollars in places that they trust and agree with their core values.
"The strongest principle of growth lies in the human choice." George Eliot
So here are our favorite ways to entice people to walk in the door.
Monumental Sign
One missed area of opportunity we see quite often here in the RGV is that of proper signage. It's not enough to have a sign at the door. Consider that most of the traffic in our cities are driving by and not walking by. It is too hot most of the year for that. That's why we must make sure the sign is visible from the road. Does your city not allow signage at the edge of the road? Get creative. What about getting a vehicle, especially something unusual like a golf cart or a micro car. You can paint it or have it wrapped in vinyl with your logo. If there is a tree by the side of the road, you might consider using outdoor streamer lights or painting the trunk in a colorful hue. The point is to attract eyeballs to your establishment.
Full of Air
Even in places where signage is not allowed because of city restrictions, such as in the downtown area, there is an inexpensive way to bring attention to your font door. We are talking about balloons. Our clients know that when they want to call attention to a special sale or an event, they can call on us to refer them to our list of approved vendors to do a beautiful archway around their door to send a message that there is a celebration happening in their store.
Red Carpet
The red carpet is only for VIP right? Well, who is more of a VIP for your business than your clients? A small piece of red carpet or even a red mat can catch the eye of a walker by and invite them to come in. There is something that is irresistible about a red carpet because we associate it subconsciously with being part of a special group.
Mural Power
Hiring a local artist to paint a mural on the side or front of your business works in two ways. The obvious one, of course it will call attention even from a distance to your establishment. But there is another way that it will help. Look for an artist who has a good following on social media. It's even better if they are well known around town. As the painting is being done, throw a parking lot sale or party. Tag the artist in social media and on your invitations so that you both benefit from the publicity. Another option is to have the mural painted in the very back wall of your store up high where people can see it from the front door and it invites them to walk through your store all the way to the back.
Best Merchandise
It should be your practice to display your best merchandise up front. You've heard the old joke. Why is the men's department at JC Penny to the right two steps from the door? Because men have no patience for shopping. The truth is that the most eye catching pieces should be by the front door. They should invite people to walk in the door to look, touch and feel those products.
Bonus Tip
Install an ATM machine in your store. Every client who has asked us for one has been very happy with the results. For one, it brings people in the door to use it and that can translate to sales leads. Second, depending on the program they sign up for with us, they can get a portion of the profits from the machine or a monthly rent for the space the machine uses. Either way it's a win win. We provide ATM machines and services to our clients along with systems that can eliminate fees for processing credit cards. Please call us at 956-483-9557 or write ask@nobizfees.com
We hope that you found these tips useful. We are always happy to talk to you more about ways to improve your business. Consider following us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for more helpful tips and information.